Yenikale Fortress

Yenikale Fortress is of great interest as a monument of fortification. In the early 18th century, Russia, under Peter the Great longed to become a powerful marine state. The Turks, frightened by this potential threat, erected Yenikale Fortress where a small fortress, called Kilisedzik, was previously located. Zaporozhian Cossacks exploded Kilisedzik in 1631. Yenikale Fortress became a real obstacle for the ships traveling from the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea. A small town gradually formed in the southern territory of Yenikale Fortress and became the center of the Kerch-Yenikale’ region up to 1826. After joining Russia the significance of the fortress gradually decreased, and by 1835 the fortress became totally useless. During the Crimean War, the fortress was urgently prepared for the battles, but it failed to resist the Anglo-Franco-Turkish invasion. The fortress’s failure to protect the city during the Crimean War marked the end of its usefulness, and it was gradually ruined. In 1980’s, the fortress was partially restored and has since become a popular attraction for tourists.

Yenikale Fortress-kerch

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